1.2. Agency Management
Springs, Inc. is committed to a principle of normalization. His/her peers assist each individual, regardless of disability, in living a life consistent with the patterns and content experienced as typical. Residential services provide the framework for the teaching of independent living skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. The individuals served by Springs Inc. generally have a primary diagnosis of mental retardation and exhibit medical and behavioral stability. This ensures that each individual served may maximize his/her potential for independence within the community, by living within established neighborhoods and when possible working in employment positions alongside individuals without disabilities.
As a means of assisting individuals in their endeavors to achieve maximum independence, Springs, Inc. relies on the interdisciplinary approach in its delivery of individual services. Each individual served has a unique team composed of the individual, appropriate family members whose involvement is encouraged by Springs, Inc. to the extent needed and desired by the individual, relevant staff from each provider agency, and other professionals involved in the delivery of services. Through consensus, the team develops, implements, monitors and coordinates a plan of care, which addresses that individual’s needs. Each individual’s team searches for the least restrictive programming appropriate to the individual’s needs and obtains services for him/her based on those needs.
In pursuit of the least restrictive programming for an individual, service delivery must e sufficient to meet but not exceed his/her needs. Services provided in meeting those needs are structured so as to be as minimally intrusive as possible into the individual’s life. Service delivery must not merely protect each individual’s civil and human rights, but must also promote the development of the self- advocacy potential of each individual served.
Springs, Inc. is firmly committed to developing and maintaining residential programs that are an integral part of the local community. Springs, Inc. is striving to reduce the many barriers that exist in society for people with disabilities by networking with other agencies in the community to assure that all needs are met.
Springs, Inc. will continue to serve Sand Springs and neighboring communities. Through residential type services will accommodate up to 40 individuals with developmental disabilities.
The board of directors will continue to be comprised of professionals, parents and others in the community who are interested in the welfare of the disabled in the Sand Springs area. The board will provide leadership, guidance, and management to the agency. In addition to existing administrative responsibilities, the Executive Director will also serve as Volunteer Coordinator and strive to set up a buddy/advocate system for the individual served by the agency.
The following goals have been developed by Springs, Inc. in accordance with the agency’s Mission Statement.
- The agency will develop, secure, and/or cause to be developed opportunities for community experiences for all individuals for whom it provides services.
- The agency will use resources that are naturally available rather than create artificial learning environments.
- The agency will encourage people receiving services to make informed decisions and experience natural outcomes.
- The agency will assist people in learning to choose and ensure opportunities to make choices.
- The agency will maintain a service delivery system that is responsive and accountable to people with disabilities and to the public.
- The agency will assist communities to respond positively to people with disabilities by encouraging interaction and by continuous public education.
- The agency will assist individuals receiving services in achieving and protecting their rights in accordance with the Individual Rights statement.
- The agency will assist the families of individuals receiving services by providing opportunities for education, referral to support groups, and referral to other public and private service providers.
- The agency will encourage involvement of the families of persons receiving services to the extent need or desired by the individual.
- The agency will ensure that staff receive the training required to enable them to provide services consistent with the needs of the individuals in the agency’s programs.
NORMALIZATION: Refers to making the commonly accepted patterns and conditions of everyday life available to people with developmental disabilities.
AGE-APPROPRIATE: Refers to that aspect of normalization that reinforces recognition of an individual as a person of a certain chronological age. This refers to an individual’s dress, behavior, use of language, choice of leisure and recreation activities, and self-perception; and this is reflected in the degree of self-determination of the individual and the way in which the individual is perceived and treated by others.
LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT: Means that interventions in the lives of people with developmental disabilities are carried out with a minimum of limitation, intrusion, disruption, or departure from commonly accepted patterns of living, and are consistent with the developmental needs and objectives of the individuals receiving services.
It shall be the policy of Springs, Inc. to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The agency will also comply with all requirements imposed by the Department of Human Services and Department of Health. Springs’ facilities will be accessible (free from architectural barriers) to all clients and staff regardless of physical limitations. Modifications will be made in accordance with ANSI Standards.
Service records which substantiate the provision of services, the eligibility of the individual receiving services and the outcome of said services will be maintained by Springs, Inc. for a period of not less than six years.
Research, as defined by the Accreditation Council, will not be a component of the Agency’s programs.
- The agency will maintain membership in at least one national organization whose purpose includes the dissemination of information related to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- The Executive Director and Program Director/Coordinators will be responsible for review of professional journals and other publications and the dissemination of information to the Board of Directors and staff of the information which is relevant to the individuals served or the services provided by the agency.
- The Executive Director will provide a written report to the agency evaluation committee that includes an analysis of information reflecting current policies and practices that effect the delivery of services.
- Three bids will be obtained before purchasing goods with a value of $600 or more.
- A requisition must be submitted to the Director/Program Coordinator for approval before purchasing equipment or large items. The Director will then obtain approval from the Board, as necessary.
- The House Supervisor will be responsible for oversight of the purchasing of groceries and household supplies.
- Program staff may charge fuel for any/all agency vehicles at Save a Stop, located at 2nd Street and Wilson Avenue in Sand Springs.
- The House Supervisor will refer all non-emergency repairs to the Director who will then contact the appropriate service company. The House Supervisor is authorized by the Director to call appropriate repair services for EMERGENCY repairs. Each phone lists these services. The House Supervisor should then call the Director. Supported living staff and/or residents should inform the Program Coordinator and/or the landlord regarding needed repairs to the home.
- Springs, Inc. will not rent or lease any property from a Board Member, agency employee, or their relatives.
- Members of Springs, Inc.’s Board of Directors or their relatives will not be eligible for employment during the Board member’s term of office. Board members and committee members will not be compensated for services. Approval for reimbursement of expenditures must be made in writing in advance of the expenditure (i.e.: Travel, per Diem, etc.)
- Related staff members may work for this Corporation so long as one is not in a supervisory position over the other, and so long as they work in different program elements. Exceptions to this will be made at the dissection of the Director.
- Springs, Inc. will not purchase any equipment/rental property from any Board Member, agency employee or their relatives unless done so through the bidding process.
- Springs, Inc. will not allow the annual audit to be performed by any Board Member, agency employee or their relatives.
- Springs, Inc. will request bids prior to the purchase of all goods whose cost exceeds $600.00.
The purpose of an Agency Evaluation is to ensure that individuals receiving services benefit from agency programs, to access the equality of services provided by applying recognized and comprehensive standards and to establish agency standards of performance.
Springs, Inc. will utilize the yearly report by the Department of Human Services Quality Assurance Team and also the Executive Director’s Annual Report. Any input from consumers, their families or advocate will also be considered. The Annual Report will be available at the Annual Meeting held in April.
The agency is a private nonprofit community based agency incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. The agency is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 5 to 15 community volunteers.
The role of the Board of Directors is to:
- Establish policies concerning the operation of the agency and the individuals served.
- Provide for administration of the agency by selecting an Executive Director to implement the policies and evaluate the Director’s performance annually.
- Advise and evaluate the Executive Director on ways that are consistent with the agency policies.
- Exercise general oversight of the operation of the agency, its fiscal affairs, and the implementation of its mission.
- Evaluate agency operations and plan for the future of the agency.
- Maintain the legal papers of the agency’s existence.
- Be accountable to those who are served by the agency.
The role of the Executive Director is to:
- Implement agency policies through organizational objectives.
- Develop accountability systems of record keeping.
- Provide leadership in service delivery.
- Oversee hiring, training, evaluation, and any necessary termination of staff.
- Communicate with families, funding sources and the community.
- Report regularly to the Board of Directors.
- Be accountable to those who are served by the agency.
- All policies and operations of the agency will be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary.
- Input for review of policies will be obtained from individuals receiving services and staff, as well as relevant outside sources.
- Decisions about agency policy will be reflected in meeting minutes of the agency’s Board of Directors.
- Agency policies will include a policy to prevent conflict of interest.
- The Board of Directors will select the Executive Director in accordance with an appropriate job description that describes the authority and responsibility delegated to the Executive Director.
- The Board of Directors will select an evaluation document to be used in the annual evaluation of the Executive Director’s performance.
- The Executive Director will develop procedures for implementation of the policies of the agency.
- The Executive Director will make policies available to all staff, individuals receiving services, and other interested in agency operations.
- The Executive Director will submit to the Board a monthly report that provides a summary of the agency activities. The report will include a record of any monitoring agencies and the results of those visits.
Volunteers will be recruited for donation of goods and services; to raise funds; to serve on the Board of Directors and/or Agency committees and to develop relationships with the individuals served based on choice, rather than provider/consumer roles.
- The Executive Director will work with the Board of Directors to encourage community participation in agency programs.
- The Executive Director will be responsible for the coordination of donated goods and services.
- Volunteers will be encouraged to be friends, companions and advocates for individuals served.
- Long term volunteers will be subject to the same training as staff. Long term volunteers will also be subject to a screening of employment history and may not have been convicted of any offense specified in 63 O.S. Supp. 1991, Section 1-1950.1.
Staff, upon receipt of their copy of the Policies and Procedures Manual affecting their employment or any addendum thereto, must sign a “Receipt of Policy Manual” form indicating that they have received the manual, had the policies explained and/or read the policies and understand them. Staffs also acknowledge their understanding that no part of the manual shall be construed as being an employment contract—either implied or expressed—between the staff person and Springs, Inc.
The manual has been prepared for the information and guidance of staff working for Springs, Inc. It is intended to cover the procedures, rules and policies most often applied to day-to-day activities. Some of the information may change from time to time since the policies are under constant review and are revised when appropriate. Such changes will be communicated to the staff in writing, prior to their implementation. There is no guarantee of employment made to any staff person in this manual.
New staff will undergo an orientation to acquaint them with Springs, Inc.’s policies and procedures, their jobs, and their internal and external working relationships. The orientation will consist of two parts:
- ORIENTATION TO THE AGENCY- the Executive Director or his/her designee will coordinate the orientation to compensation, benefits and expectations of the staff as well as going over the agency policies and procedures. A short history of the agency will also be given. As part of the orientation, the staff person will receive a copy of the Employee Handbook which contains the policy and procedures and will be asked to sign a document stating that he or she has received the handbook and understands the material included in the book.
- ORIENTATION TO THE JOB- The house supervisor will orient the new staff to the job and to the internal and external working relationships. An introduction to each individual that is served as well as the procedures used in the house will also be given. Procedures discussed will include special diets, special needs of the individuals, menus, fire drills, data collection, programming chores, activities, etc. This orientation will last 3 to 5 days and at the end of that time period, the supervisor will decide if the staff is ready to take over. The purposes of this orientation are to give staff a level of success to aim for, to assist them in succeeding and to give feedback to them on performance.
Pay advances are granted at the Executive Director’s discretion and only in cases of extreme emergency such as a house fire or natural disaster, car trouble that would prohibit the staff person form coming to work or a major illness in the family. Normal monthly bills are not considered to emergencies.
All staff members are encouraged to provide input and suggestions concerning the overall operation and programs of Springs, In., following the proper channels of communication. Staff members should initially bring their comments to their immediate supervisor. In those cases where that may be inappropriate, staff may approach the Executive Director. This agency operates in an “open door” manner. All staff input is considered and can be presented without fear of personal recrimination on the staff member or his or her position.
The Board of Directors of springs, Inc. is responsible for approving policies for the staff. The Board employs the Executive Director, to whom it delegates responsibility for writing policy and for managing the day to day administration of the agency according to the approved policies.
The Springs, Inc. staff are accountable to their immediate supervisor and the Executive Director. In a situation where speaking with the Executive Director is inappropriate, staff may speak with Assistant Director or the Board President. Staff who do not follow the policy regarding chain of command will be subject to disciplinary action.
All requests for information about a current, retired or terminated staff person must be referred to the executive Director or assistant Director who may disclose to prospective employers only to former staff’s dates of employment, final title or position, job location and eligibility for rehire. With the former staff’s written permission, the Executive Director or assistant may give an employment and salary history.
Information requested by a law enforcement agency will be provided if it is believed that a staff person, former staff person or applicant has been engaged in illegal actions; if actions of the person threaten physical injury to property, other staff or individuals that are served; or to protect the legal interests of the agency. The release of information will be made by the Executive Director or Assistant Director.
Springs, In. expects the primary interest of staff to be the people that we serve. A conflict of interest occurs when the interests of a staff or another outside party actually or potentially affect the agency in a negative way.
- OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS – staff may have outside business interests and outside employment so long as these do not interfere with job performance at Springs, Inc. Staff may not earn profit from outside employment or business interests which directly result from affiliation with Springs.
- GIFTS, GRATUITIES – Staff are not to accept gifts, gratuities, free trips, personal property or other items of value from and outside person or organization as an inducement to provide services.
- PERSONAL BELIEFS – Springs. Inc. recognizes that its staff may hold a wide range of personal beliefs, values and commitments. Their beliefs, values and commitments are a conflict of interest only when they prevent staff from fulfilling their job responsibilities, if staff attempt to use agency time and/or facilities for fulfilling them, or if staff continue attempting to convince others of their personal beliefs after they have been asked to stop.
Springs, Inc. staff may not speak to the news media as an official or unofficial spokesperson of the agency without proper approval from the Executive Director. All inquiries from the media should be referred to the Executive Director.
Should staff receive a media inquiry, he or she should respond: “I have no authority to respond to your request. Please refer your questions to the Executive Director.
Springs, Inc. staff will, to the best of their ability, ensure confidentiality and privacy in regards to history, records and discussion about the individuals that are served by the agency. The very fact that an individual is served by this agency, must be kept confidential. Disclosure can be made only under specified conditions which are explained below. This means that staff shall not disclose any information about an individual, including the fact that the individual is or is not served by the agency, unless authorized by the individual, guardian or Executive Director, or authorized personnel. The principle of confidentiality must be maintained in all programs, functions and activities.
- No information requested by someone outside of the agency will be given over the telephone except by the Executive Director when working with the Social Security administration, Department of Human Services or other government agency that request specific information having to do with benefits or services of an individual.
- A release of information form will be completed and explained to an individual before it is signed and before the release of any information. The release will be specific and time limited.
- If records are inspected by an outside agency, the outside agency must be listed on the Confidentiality list on the front of the individual’s file or have written authorization from the individual or parent/guardian. Information cannot be removed from a confidential file without prior authorization from the individual, parent/guardian and Executive Director.
- Staff will not discuss any individual’s record with unauthorized individuals, whether on or off duty. All staff are required to sign a confidentiality acknowledgment stating their responsibility and commitment in regard to client information.
Ad representatives of Springs, Inc., staff are expected to exhibit a neat, well groomed appearance. Radical departure from conventional dress or personal grooming ( including, but not limited to: radical hairstyles, excessive make-up, short-short skirts and/or dress, revealing necklines, tank tops, exercise sear, shorts, shower (thong-types) footwear is not permitted. Exceptions will be made to this rule if an activity requires certain types of clothing. Springs Inc. will not be held liable for damage to clothing or accessories while on duty.
If the Executive Director decides that a staff is in violation of the dress code, the staff will be asked to go home and change. The time required to do this will be considered as non-work hours and will not be compensated.
Springs, Inc. will not tolerate sexual harassment of its staff. The means that the following behaviors are grounds for disciplinary action, including termination:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual acts or favors
- Insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct directed against another staff person.
- Threats, demands or suggestions that a staff person’s work is contingent upon toleration of or acquiescence to sexual advances
- Retaliation against staff for complaining about such behaviors
- Any other unwelcome statements or actions based on sex that are sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Any staff person, who has a complaint of sexual harassment against a superior, a co-worker, a vendor or an individual that the agency serves, should bring attention of the problem to a representative of the agency. Complaints may be raised with any of the following persons:
- Executive Director
- Assistant Director
- Supervisor/Program Coordinator
- Board President
Springs, Inc. prohibits retaliation against anyone for having raised such a complaint in good faith or cooperating with an investigation of a complaint. Complaints will be investigated and handed as confidentiality as possible in the manner described below.
Complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated as promptly as possible. The allegations of the complaint and the identity of the persons involved shall remain confidential, in order to conduct a full and impartial investigation, remedy, violations, monitor compliance and administer the policy.
The investigation will include, but will not be limited to, discussion with both parties and witnesses. A report will be given to the executive director and/or the Board President who will review the report and make recommendations concerning remedial or corrective action, if any, and notify all parties of the decision and implement that decision.
Springs, Inc. programs are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staffs are required to be at their assigned house for their shift. If due to severe weather or weather related difficulties, a person cannot make it to work, their supervisor should be notified immediately so that there is staff coverage. Not wanting to drive is not a justified excuse.
Because the majority of the individuals that we serve work in the community, they will also need to report to work unless notified differently by their employer.
There may be occasions that the Executive Director will make the determination that individuals will not go to work due to weather, slick roads, etc. If this happens, staff will call the employers and explain the situation. If the employer insists that the individual come in, staff will notify the Executive Director who will arrange transportation.
Staffs, who do not report for work because of the weather, will be charged one day of vacation.
Springs Inc. strives to ensure a safe workplace and it is the responsibility of each staff member to adhere to the following:
- Work according to good safety practices as posted, instructed, and/or discussed;
- Refrain from any unsafe act that might endanger oneself, the individuals we serve or coworkers;
- Use all safety devices provided for his/her protection ( this includes seatbelts) – failure to comply with safety requirements could result in immediate dismissal;
- Report any unsafe situations or acts immediately to the supervisor;
- Assume his or her share of the responsibility for thoughtless or deliberate acts that cause injury to oneself, so-workers or the individuals we serve.
- Electrical equipment should be turned off when not in use.
- Staff should notify the supervisor of any equipment that has cracked or exposed wiring, is causing a shock or emitting sparks, or appears to be a potential fire hazard.
- Fire drills are to be held monthly in each group Home and be promptly documented. Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers should be checked after each fire drill.
And emergency condition includes a fire, full power failure or other similar conditions.
- Staff should know the locations of all fire exits, alarms, fire extinguishers and outside meeting place.
- If a staff sees smoke or fire, the alarm should be sounded (if available) and/or all individuals be alerted. If the fire is very small, such as in a trash can, or a skillet, a fire extinguisher may be used as necessary. 911 should be called ASAP as well as making sure all individuals or staff re-enter a burning house to try to save possessions. The supervisor or Executive Director should be notified as soon as possible.
- If there is smoke, stay down close to the floor.
- Keep individuals together and away from the paths of the emergency vehicles.
- ONLY if the time permits before evacuation, get the keys, the emergency information, the file and close doors.
- Remain where you are until eyes adjust or emergency lights activate (30 to 60 seconds). Proceed to make sure individuals are okay, then notify supervisor or Executive Director. If there is any sign of fire, use fire evacuation plan.
- Executive Director will contact PSO or police for an approximate time for power to be restored. If longer than one hour, staff will be instructed as to where to take the individuals.
First aid supplies are located at each facility. If unsure whether an individual is in need of medical help, call the supervisor. If you, the staff are injured and require help, call one of the other houses or the supervisor for assistance. For major incidents, call 911 immediately, and notify the supervisor ASAP. For all injuries, large or small, individual or staff, and incident report is filed with the office within 24 hours.
Should a serious or fatal accident occur either at the agency or in an agency vehicle, the following procedure should be followed:
- Priority attention will be given to providing all reasonable car to the injured individual or staff. If staff is able, calls 911 and the supervisor/Executive Director should be made as soon as possible. Emergency information is posted by each phone and is in each vehicle. Obtain names and numbers of any witnesses and if they need to leave before police arrive, try to get a written statement.
- In the event of a fatality, the police have to be notified. Ensure tht there is no disturbance of the victim at the scene until police arrive.
- If the Executive Director has not yet been notified, do so at this time. Use the following chain of command for notification:
- Executive Director
- Program Coordinator
- House Manager
- Board President
- Anyone involved in a serious accident, emergency or fatality shall not make a statement orally or in writing which could be interpreted either as an assumption or rejection of responsibility for the accident until all facts are known.
The Executive Director or his/her designee will:
- Give priority attention to requirements at the scene of the accident or emergency as requested or judged to be necessary for the injured peson or victim.
- Act as the spokesperson to the news media.
- Be the agency spokesperson to the news media.
- Notify the parent/guardian of the individual and/or family of the staff.
- Notify the Developmental Disabilities Services Division of DHS.
- Notify the Board President.
- Notify attorney, insurance representative and other officials as necessary.
- Notify all staff and call in Program Directors and Psychologists as necessary.
- Keep a record of all phone conversations and communications that concern the accident.
The Executive Director will:
- Disseminate information as appropriate.
- Collect incident reports from all witnesses including, other individuals that are served by the agency.
- Prepare a chronological report recording all details.
- Attach to the report all consent forms, medical records, and other pertinent data. Make copies of all for parent/guardian, case manager, DDSD, psychologists and/or family.
Dry or staple food items are stored at least 4 inches above the floor in a ventilated room that is not subject to waste water backflow or to contamination by condensation or leakage.
Perishable foods are to be stored at the proper temperature.